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Heidi R 623d
Heidi R
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Jasiahs daddy 623d
Jasiahs daddy
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OK so have you ever just like realize that your tampons no longer in your coach am I did that once in my life and I think it was because it was like one of those shitty dollar tree like straw paper tampons and I just like coffin bone in so I realize that I lost it and I'm looking everywhere and then we had to leave because we were at a place that you know it's like a center that's a support place for people And my friend run like it was running it that day and I was like oh my God bro I lost my Tim he's like did you look for Cydia so he had to unlock the center and we had to go back in and search everywhere for my bloody tampon and we never found it so I don't know if they actually found it and just never told me or if it like fell out in the toilet
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Boy with the hell, boy. That sounds scary. But I'm a pad girl, you know? I'm not a tampon girlie, so... Um, no, I have never lost a coupla.
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I'm a boy and I stick the conom on my ass and see if any blood came out, but unfortunately I realized that they're only for women so I'm Shirazutam aí
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I guess that's a good way to check for hemorrhoids What the fuck
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