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See for me, I like a guy with facial hair, he's tall as hell, he's Mexican, um, with like dreads and black and shit, and like me talking in communication doesn't mean I'm open or delivered or anything like that, it's nice and calls me nicknames, so yeah.
me personally I like when the guy is calmly enthusiastic that that might be weird but it's like they have this chill approachable side to them that a chaotic person like myself really is tracks to and then at the same time they're not door they're still pretty you know enthusiastic and got that energy for life and that's just really cute and awesome to me.
someone who will listen. And I know like a lot of men will be like, here, let me do a listen. No! Because if I come to you with a problem, and your dumbass goes, well you should. No! Shut up! Just listen to my problem, okay? Sometimes women don't want you to fix our issues. Sometimes they'll come to you and be like, oh my god traffic sucks. Don't tell me to take I-59 down the main street. I don't want to know. I just want you to listen.
Well, good personality, um, sense of fucking humor, like, funny shit, like if they don't think anything is funny, then I don't want that fucking dude. Okay? Like, you know.
Um, a guy who's respectful, and like you don't have to ask for nice things, you don't have to ask for compliments. He's like willing to, he compliments you a lot, and he's just, he's very loving and caring, and like, good reassurance, and like, protective, and like, gives me my free will, but also like possessive and stuff, and like, stuff like that.
Okay, what do I like in a man? In a man? Let me switch this up. What do I like in my boyfriend? I love his smile, I love his hair, I love his smell, I love his eyes, I love everything about him. Mmm, some deli-yum.