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What is the best way to get over someone after being around them every single day and then basically being the only person you want to for comfort and to talk to? Basically, what's the best way to get over a relationship and a very bad breakup?
Well, I had to learn this firsthand acceptance is the best way to go for somewhere, bro You just gotta you just gotta understand that they don't want you no matter how hard you want them They just don't think of you the same way. That's alright, bro
I will say the best way is to just like keep going I don't be laying in bed all day crying not take care yourself and I wanted to go to the rat I would say the best way to keep going on like you can get back to being used to life without them in it if that makes sense and yeah I was like that with the best way to get over somebody
I feel like you should just spend more time with yourself not just on yourself but with yourself because like you get to know yourself all over again and you start appreciating yourself more and it's like really it's really great in Fuck that bitch