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Okay, just out of curiosity, what's one of your favorite things to talk about? Because for me, I really enjoy hearing people talk about social media. I think also because it has to do with me being content creator. But just in general, I love hearing people's perspectives on how they feel about social media apps and also getting recommendations on who to watch or listen to. So yeah, feel free to tell me what one of your favorite things are.
I'm a sucker for talking about the antics of our world. Humans. Society. How to change society. Innovative ideas. I love science. Books. Nature. Space. Tech. I love tech so much. Art. Yeah.
Gotta be honest, I love talking about Legend of Zelda and with the new one coming out, Pura, Zelda, Link, they look so fine! They look so fine. Like, I can't even lie.
Nah, cause I'm a big Michael Jackson fan so literally, literally only Michael Jackson or Ariana Grande or myself. I'm kidding, not myself. I don't talk about myself. I be helping people with their problems, so... That does me.
I enjoy seeing drama in the corner of my eyes so like I go like to the lobby or whatever or like um like I'm like okay so I'm just like hanging out like I'm just like hanging out in this like little park and Dang all these kids are having so much drama. It's funny as hell because like They imagine so much stuff and then like the like the kids that are like all older than all of them like bro maybe packing like Are you pecking on the little kids? They probably don't even know what you're talking about.
I like to have very open-minded conversations about consciousness, mindfulness, and meditation. Also philosophical and ethical questions. And also astral projection is really interesting as well, but just anything open-minded questioning what we think we know, you know?
I love the way you answer this and honestly, same? That is such a vibe and I'm here for it. So anyways, I hope you have a wonderful upcoming week and would love to engage in a conversation like that real soon.