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Bro, whose kid is this and how did she get on this app? Who gave her a phone? Who let her stay up past her bedtime? Why are they not giving her V-Bucks or some Robux? Do you want some Cheerios?
Not only that, but then she has to ask me to write me, I guess. If some of you write to me, they are going to jail. The strategy seemed good. I'm not kidding.
Aw hell naw man, what the fuck? Who let these kids on this app, bro? What the fuck? You're wearing a whole Snapchat filter with your little ass. You're probably like 3'7". Damn, get your ass off this app. This app ain't for you. You're not all that, girl. I'm sorry to say that, but like, no. Get your ass out of here. You look like a retarded tootsie roll with that blush and eyeliner. No, you're not her. No. Get your ass off this app. Please. Thank you, girl.
Um, I'm not, like, you better get off this app because people are gonna be flaming the fuck out of you, bro. Like, trust me when I say this, people are going to flame you. Like this in a roast the hell out of you both.
Go to motherfucking BADAAA What are you doing up this delay to... Girl, you got a bedtime, go to bed, put your phone up, give it to your mama, to your data Whatever, go to bed!
I already know that people are going to be catching cases. This girl is a miner. She looks like she's 5 and she put this field drawn to make her look older. She steals plays with Barbies and fidget toys. What the heck? Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next video.