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Whoever says that this dog looks fucking ugly you can literally go take your fucking finger or your fist and shove it up your pussy or your fucking asshole. I literally do not give a fuck this dog is cute as hell. I would literally go down there bend over and start kissing the fuck out of it. Cute ass dog for real.
Number 15 on that dick for what? We have here Love Danny defending this rather poor helpless rat dog Honestly ugly as fuck But he's saying that you should take your fist or your finger and put it in your pussy On that dick is a very rare occurrence, especially in the internet days But it's more common in 2023
Why would you say that you're going to take a shit on the freaking, on the media? Dude, keep it under, yo, that's, that's a little too funny, a little too funny. But why would you say, on here? Honestly, I need to, I need to, I need to.
He's legitimately so cute, like I actually love it. Like, it kinda looks like a mop, and it kinda needs a haircut, but I think it's the type of dog it is. Like, it's my cue.