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OK so wait just hear me out so If you eat an apple and then you eat an orange that's the rainbow right but if you eat an apple and then you eat a banana that's not the rainbow because it's like not orange second that's yellow second but yellow doesn't come second in the rainbow Think about that
Motherfucker, what the fuck you be smoking to come up with this shit? Cause that shit was nonsense. But, motherfucker. You be, you be smoking that puff puff? Yeah, he be smoking the puff ladies and gentlemen. Gentlemen, he be smoking that puff.
I'm not gonna lie bro sometimes you need to think about what you're saying before you actually post this type of stuff But you you got me thinking like you didn't even graduate the third grade or something bro You probably just said a whole bunch of nothing in that sentence.
This mother fucker, the inside of a banana in yellow is white. If you wanted to like put like a fruit or vegetable as it, even like a pepper or like a mango, at least, wait, are mangoes yellow? can owe.
At this point. I have no idea. I think I might be I think something's in the air. I don't know When did I post this? Thursday? Yeah, I was definitely on some shit