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If I ever catch you in the streets, I'm gonna go up those cheeks, so you can get over on the curb, bend over, I'm just gonna start going, oh, oh, oh, you're so ugly, you're such a disgrace, I'm just gonna go going, oh, oh, oh, oh, only disgraces, you are a disgrace, I'm just gonna be going, oh, oh, oh, on those cheeks, because you're a disgrace, oh, oh, oh, you're a mess to society, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Bro, you got a lopsided hairline. Come on now. You got a chinstrap like you wearing a hair helmet, bro. Stop Get rid of that shit. Why are you bending at an angle? Why are your legs straight? Like why are you just why is your head is not going where your where your you your torso is going? What the hell is this pose and where the fuck are you? Is this some public bathroom? But this shit looks liminal