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POV 5 year old me looking at monopoly money thinking that it's actual money So I just straight up start flexing it in front of my whole family And then it was exactly you can't actually use that like for like actual like buying stuff And I was like what I thought I could buy the whole world with this stuff. It's got so sad whenever I realized So, no, but I actually thought that they would be like a real money so I can actually buy stuff with it.
Maybe a top tier hater, bro. The IRS needs to come and collect everything, bro. Ceases assets, bro. I don't even like this, bro. You shouldn't be making that much money, bro. Probably working with the FBI or something. I don't know, bro. You're probably working for Joe Biden or something. Must have a top tier job to be making that much bread. saving them up for like 55 years or something.
When I get called being poor and shit and people don't know I have money, this is what the fuck I'm gonna do in front of their fucking face. I'm gonna throw money in their face and if they try to pick it up and pick it up bitch, you're gonna shoot in their fucking face. This is exactly what I do, I'm gonna collect my fucking money, I'm gonna draw on them and if they try to take care I'm gonna shoot them in their fucking face.