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Or or hear me out bro. You can only post one picture. I used to there's not even anything different in these pictures It's just for the same picture. I'm not trying to have a whole Captain Underpants type comic strip, bro
Or-or-or-or-or-or-or, shut the fuck up, fucking stuttering, like, it's a photo, and you over here stuttering, I'm not trying to have a Captain Underpants type comic strip, *****, you're fucking stuttering, you're stuttering, or-or-or-or-or, fucking annoying ass, like, shut your nasty black ass up, like, I don't fucking hear it from you, *****, like, why don't you want her about a
Yo, you're only getting one joke from that and you just spamming it the entire time man I need you to take that Timmy Turner chipmunk type voice filter off I need it. I want to hear that phlegm building up in your throat, bro
You're a fucking cornball, you're a fucking corny, that was embarrassing, don't say that shit ever again, never make a fucking joke in your life again, I feel like you're embarrassing yourself, you're a fucking cornball, stop.
I know you ain't talking bro, what kind of username is fangsouls? And you still ain't changed that voice filter bro, that's probably the type of person to watch Twilight 200 times over on repeat while surviving off of their own cheeto dust bro. Nah, that's probably why you got that car on the left side of your cheese. Someone probably mistook you for a missing KKK member bro.
I'm gonna give you some advice right now because that AI looks like it shot itself trying to transcribe through that voice filter you got right there bro. If you want to be a top tier hater you got to like pull something out your butt bro you got to be more creative than that. You know repeating whatever I say ain't creative bro you just you just being a copier at that point bro you're trying to be me but you're not so be someone else.
Boo, what you say is, like, crazy. It's corny. It's fucking disgusting. It's cheesy, *****. It's fucking cheesy. You over here talking about something else. You're trying to be me. I'm gonna give you advice. Bitch, I don't wanna fucking be you, and I don't want your fucking bum-ass advice. Talking about... Mm, repeating after me. Mm-mm, that's just my aunt. I don't give a fuck.
And you still repeating whatever words I said with that voice filter on, bruh. That ain't- that ain't hatin', bruh. That's just copying, man. Alright, man, you win. I give up, bruh.
It's like trying to argue against Robocop to not kill a Terminator, bruh. Even though running out of things to say is different from just giving up, you know, it's... It's alright, though. You've been one GG, bruh.
How about we take this down. How about, yeah. This is not it. I don't like it. Why don't I like it? I don't know. I just don't. Something about it making me mad. She just looks a little too happy. I don't like seeing ****** happy. Like, what you happy about? You know you're gonna die one day, right? Man, like, fuck is there to be happy about? I always get happy about hating on people. Like, fuck everything.
Bro, shut the fuck up. Who are you to give opinions about other people when you fucking look like a fucking donkey fucking fuck I don't fucking know. I don't even know what you look like, but I could just tell you look like that