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Hey man I got your back gang who the fuck is this albino pig looking ass female talk to him I create a trio be libraries reading books 24 seven as she's out in the morning oh my kids are playing this hell as a matter of fact I called you stupid ass trying to give a homeless man a dollar Niga we don't do that around here we go to the store and walk out there bitch with 100 snacks and we got to change wiggle in our pocket so he could actually hear that shit he only asked for an echo like you lame as hell fuck out of it
Bitch I can see why you don't have any friends with your fucking edgy emo ass I don't have any friends he just appointment you just appointed to fuck your mother bitch
Yeah, um, sorry. Um, this, this, this ain't you. This ain't your trio. You ain't better and you ain't this trio. This is the best one, okay? Okay, no way you're this one, so yeah.