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Hey guys what's up I just wanted to come in here because I wanted you guys to write me a add a tent please just try to be nice please because I'm a little shy and like I don't take criticism like that well Be mean to me anyways so I'll tell you a little bit about myself so my first thing about me is that I love playing video games like so much I love playing overwatch I love going to discord I'm in like 10 different discord servers yeah I am I love eating Cheetos and honey Cheetos kind of my keyboard gets kind of dirty with the dust which is like my favorite feeling because I just Just lick it all up with my time off and then in the first photo find my lip all right we can I look up sexy time don't tell me what take that sorry my mom is upstairs Anyways so it may take a photo it's kind of like a weird quirky fine I can we please let anyone see that side of me So I'll let you know if you're interested in being friends or maybe more I'm kind of like a freak oh yeah anyways so yeah if you guys wanna add me on this It's in my bathroom and I can hear just came
Do you have one of those laughs that like when you listen to it all you can do is love you too like I wasn't even gonna laugh I didn't think it was funny I just think they said she was funny as hell and I heard you're saying you had to say nothing like you started laughing and I just had to laugh alone to like bro
Don't ever **** your lip like that again, little bro. Don't ever do that again. The most unflattering thing I've ever seen in my goddamn life. Don't do it again!
Girl, we all know you love eating. You would eat the whole table if it was possible. Like, and please, nobody says what's cooking sexy. Like, I don't even think that was even a freaking thing. Like, you know, and don't even try. I bet you don't even play video games. Just got it off the enemy.
I'ma tell you right now, if you ever budge a little bit like that again, I will personally kill myself in a heartbeat Don't you ever do that shit to me again. Jump scare me on my fucking page like that, bruh?
You need to take this shit off the internet now, because if you don't want anybody to be mean to you, girl, then you just don't post anything. Okay? Okay.