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She's a little bit Alexis and she's a little bit Joanne she was Joanne and Joanne is awful and if you ask me no K not awful but black mirror season six for usually made us white people and this is what we got we went back in time where was my techno dystopian series where was the sci-fi we went through a goddamn lockdown and a pandemic worldwide we were desperately attached to our screens to our tech He is having a revolution right now anyway so they did touch up on that and caught in a question is awful Salma Hayek a little quick speedy cameo with Cate Blanchett I thought it was going to be fantastical this was a solid seven out of 10 for me although Annie Murphy made it great OK good ha ha anyway in a touching on all of the things AI reality television where is that going our rights as people terms and conditions our lives and living them on screens good job but I expected that it to get ramped up through the series it did not we went back in time for the next three episodes and or although good well written well shot and well acted not what we wanted from black mirror in my opinion so do you have the same opinion did you watch them all yet we will be talking about like Henry next because it did start two of my favourite people right now Yeah let me know what you thought and I'll see you around
By the way, I only watched the first episode I haven't continued on because I had to let that first episode simmer because the plot itself had me tripped out. It did. Yeah, so. Does it get better, by the way, as the season goes on? Or did you rate it the whole season entirely a seven out of 10?
They to get better I don't scrub the seven out of 10 thing I did I never do out of tens and I don't know why I did I was a little pissed I wanted some more futuristic dystopian stuff which we touched on an awful gene is awful but I like Henry the second one I just posted about it is my favourite of all of them listen to what they're doing is just touching on commentary you know that's out there in the zeitgeist so they do that the last one is my least favourite but it is still fun
Oh my god, this... the whole season was so good. Maybe the best season so far. I like the whole series of Black Mirror, but there are few seasons where I was really into every single episode. Now there were a couple episodes that I was less into. So, um, it's up to you. If you want to do a whole post about it, I don't want to hijack this post and say it, but me and my sister both ranked the episodes from this season are for our favorite to least.
So no spoilers, because I'm hoping you do a whole Black Mirror, like these are my, like, listing your epi- favorite episodes in order. Because- and or have you gotten through the whole season yet? Because I want to tell you which my favorite were and which I wasn't so thrilled about. Although, again, I do still think it was the best season and everything was about like a bonus to me, because I was not even expecting them to do more. So fuck yeah, black mirror. That shit is good.
Also, I looked it up and there's supposed to be another season coming next year. So fuck yes! I thought that show was over. Like each episode is like a well-crafted whole mini-movie. You know this. I'm obsessed. I wasn't always so crazy about Black Mirror. I did like it. but this season sent me over the edge to like a super fan.
OK I just posted on my favourite a look Henry and of course I enjoyed Eddie Murphy in this one but my least favourite was demon 79 I just seen a film that was released in 2023 exactly the same premise him and kind of a boring premise if he asked me especially the humourous way it was done did not job with me but I like them touching on all those like that stuff I just needed more futuristic shit but it was good