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What actor bothered you were in the role or would you like to you were asleep just a quick shit There's been a lot of talk about how Anthony Hopkins thought this was just a ridiculous thing that he did his movies and I can't you can kind of tell by his performances it is pretty lackluster so yeah I have a pie feel like they could've done a better job with someone who would've encompass the role a little better right now But what I can bothered you with
It's a very good question I can't think of any actors right now but if I see any responses then yeah the police been to my mind thank you know they're not really good at the wrong
Yeah, well I think we could have like, I don't know, benefited from like some kind of pretty cool, you know, backstory of who he was. because I think it was a very set of you know like it's an all-encompassing set of role that you probably needed an introduction to before being introduced to or an introduction.