Stephen A Ireland What are you most proud of? #proudSuivre00PartagerCopier le lien sur la publication
Stephen A Ireland What are your favourite music tracks frim 1990 til today and what things can you remember from the year the track/s you mention?
Stephen A Ireland What are your favourite video/computer games? Responses may be used on the Proud Show.
Stephen A Ireland What are your favourite #Throwback music tracks? Responses may be used on the Proud Show.
Stephen A Ireland I’m capturing your top tips for #MentalHealth - Responses may be used for Radio Play (TRUK Talks & Proud Show)
Stephen A Ireland Lets play: complete the lyrics (and i never lost one minute of sleepin. Worryin’ ‘bout the way things might have been. __________________)
Stephen A Ireland Lets Play: Complete the lyrics (I wanna sing, i wanna shout, i wanna scream til the words dry out. ____________________________)
Stephen A Ireland Lets play: Complete the lyrics (Freed from desire, mind and senses purified. Freed from desire, ______________________)
Stephen A Ireland Hey, get involved in our B Radio UK (Hampshire & Surrey) show, on air Sundays 8-11pm. Every show we like to share a joke or two to get listeners smiling, tell us your jokes here!
Stephen A Ireland For the ‘Proud’ radio show, we’re asking you for your positive or descriptive words associated with inclusion & the whole LGBTQ(plus) community. This is for our new, weekly dictionary corner segm
Stephen A Ireland Hey it’s Stephen A Ireland and DJ from the PROUD show and we want to know what your favourite music releases for 2022 have been. Leave your favourites in soundbites, they might be used