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RipPopSmoke 375d
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so I don't really like talking but I just have to get off my chest some advice that I have like for love is or like if you're dealing with somebody that you really want to be with but y'all not together give it time give it time time or a situation that happened to me it was I was all in love with this dude I'm still in love with this dude but currently he asked me for a break right I've been like crying I passed about two weeks crying every night but what I have to learn is that it's not my fault and you just gotta give it time. Time is everything. You're gonna be happy no matter what. After those two weeks I got back to work out there. I like to focus in on myself. I'm happy as fuck and that's all that matters. Even though you really love that person, you have to let them go so you could grow. That's something I learned and I'm so happy I learned about that. Hopefully you guys learned about it too. But letting go is the best thing you could do. Even though you still love them. Let them go. Focus on you. If it was meant to be, he will come back.
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I have some advice for you. Fuck that *****.
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But when you actually fall in love with somebody you're gonna understand
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But I love the advice though, thank you!
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