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Hey Jimmy it's Hawaiian I'm what I'm ordering for me and my partner and trust subway be a happy meal for her off a big Mac for me and my partner how about six large fries and some milkshakes
What do I wanna order for McDonald's hold on let me look at the menu OK I want a big Mac with a large fry and apple pie for some fly I'm a big guy and I stay high so my appetite like a lullaby about to move backwards I eat grill talking crazy mad I'll make you ill I'm a take a girl to her on a table eat ass I would like a happy meal
So if money wasn't an issue it would be a McChicken probably to a large fry or a basket of fries three cookies a Mc flurry the regular size and I think that's it and apple slices
Reporting from China here we can order our food or our phone without stand in the line the food here compared to Americans McDonald is fucking crap and they are fucking expensive but no matter what I will definitely not share my unique menu with you drink water every fucking day I'm the vet