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Hello I'm just gonna do this as this email no tags or nothing like that this is gonna be a street record even though I do do that most of those by Macklemore you are too kind to go back and just make sure my questions a little bit good for y'all to understand and all that shit so I'm already messing up but with all that being said how awkward are y'all motherfuckers I would consider myself like that we are but I feel like I am a little bit like mad in a way but my there's a method to my madness another great way to say that but I also would say like you know in general I'm different I think I'm different from a lot of other people but in that retrospect even with just being different as a parent I think even when it comes to certain things I can see myself like Bridget Jones like I can come in to these awkward Different scenarios where I don't know how to put it it's just like you know you can go into space to some people to some leads to this note awkward silence awkward just discussion to the retrospect or just generally awkward end and sometimes I don't know how to in the conversation that I would say that is my guilty thing that I do that's awkward let me to stay on and with that being said I might just keep talking until this thing you know doesn't record anymore but yeah if you're awkward let me know I really wanna hear it be as vulnerable as you can be and also as lovely as well true authentic and bronze wins sunny
I loved it Sheldon on the Big Bang because that's why I was years ago when I was a little kid oh my God A little dick I mean all the time and then I had to go to special Ed with a special I had to later no it's because you can't read you can't write Falling all over the place let's play the awkward game
I feel your pain I haven't really gone through that but I can only imagine by how you describe so vividly it's quite a painting I would love to know the current status of where you're at in your awkwardness and I just appreciate you for at least acknowledging this because sometimes it's better just to lean into it then to
I am definitely awkward like I'll be in a room full of people when I feel socially awkward then I'll go silent then it'll get awkward because I am smiling I definitely shot to you hope you have a great day much love Jamie
Hey boo yes I deafly feel your pain on this one I'm socially awkward that is a great way to describe walking into a room full of people for me and sometimes it's just like you know awkward because sometimes I just like you know I don't know how not to be the elephant in the room but I appreciate it much love Barnes
I am extremely awkward sometimes I like when I'm in public places bro I just start working bro cause I get like social anxiety and I just don't know what to do in my situation bro so like imagine I'm just in line bro you're right behind me and I just get so nervous I don't know wait to see it a dread headed six for black bees to start throwing his big bodacious bottom just Earl
Um, I can see that because that's actually me sir. I'm that boat bodacious bottom. I wouldn't say that's awkward that's just starting but You know, it was a cute like little How would you say? stunt but For the most part I was just talking about I'm the baddest bitch and when I twerk or a fat ass and I can talk Better than anybody so nobody's playing with me bronze is sunny, but you know Low-key flex
I'm a lowkey brat, I'm a stop player, I'm actually answer to shit, but... It depends, like, whenever I loosen up, they're awkward, and then it makes me awkward. Like, it's not me being awkward, it's you being awkward, it's making me awkward. awkward like stopping awkward.
I think everyone's a little different than everyone else, you know, even the people who seem the same aren't really the same but I guess I used to be awkward and probably less now, but I'm still a little awkward.