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Damn. I did not know that you could get crows on your cheeks. You know, I've been real tired lately. I've been looking for somewhere to rest my head, you know. Just cool off, you know. Just put out my head off of the sock.
Real question is why high school do you go to and what grade are you in? Cuz you know I'm a six foot four kind of muscular junior in high school I know I know I know I'm not gonna lie though, you probably already have a boyfriend.
man every time I look and fucking comment it's some horny ass ****** and comments talking crazy Damn, y'all ******, horny as fuck, go get some fucking pussy or something, dude. Damn y'all, y'all wildin'
Hey, hey, my birthday is tomorrow, bro. Let me take a cake for my birthday tomorrow. Let me eat that cake for my birthday tomorrow. I'm just trying to take a ****.