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My people what is good it is your boy dreams Tracy Francis why am younger say a lot smaller beside Newport from the Grange where do you wanna call him and we do apologise for how hectic schedules been the last couple of weeks I know we've missed a few weeks in a few weeks off and stuff don't worry there's no trouble in paradise is not turmoil it's just that she has a willow myself as have a a lot of things a lot of events going on I'm coming into the summer months so you have to just bear with us but tomorrow that's June 23, 2023 Friday and we will be recording from 8 pm UK time I'm not sure you've got the states but yeah we gonna be here so if you haven't already man make sure you follow myself and we're on stereo And make sure you go to the YouTube page and subscribe to the YouTube that is the only man's podcast on YouTube subscribe we're gonna be here tomorrow for episode 104 we will see all of you then yeah I peace