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DrWhoDoVoodoo 635d
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Celia 627d
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Abraham Terlinden
Smokeystakx 631d
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Monica Livesay
Monica Livesay
Monica Livesay
Monica Livesay
Valkyrie 627d
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Lmao 627d
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Sofia Medrano 627d
Sofia Medrano
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Busted nut 627d
Busted nut
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Busted nut
Busted nut
Valkyrie 627d
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Dating double standards. If a guy has five girls on his line, he's that man. That guy, that dude. If a girl has two guys on her line, she's for the streets. Dating double standards. standards. And I'm out.
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Man shut the fuck up you fucking gas whore. Get your bitch ass on you fucking bitch ass *****. Where my mom went to get in front of a bong and got her been the blog on you *****. But lemme get your location right now *****. Where my mom would get my gangster on you, niggut?
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If you don't shut your bubble gum or I can drop the soap up, Oh, you such a busiest.
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I agree and the people need to change the way how the people thinking about the life or how the people think about what is the really mean meaning about the real man. Real man, his man only have one woman. The people he need to stop thinking the real man is the man he have a lot of woman. Yeah.
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No, there's double standards everywhere, not just in relationships. It's like, you know, women and children first.
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I say, uh, fuck double standards and do whatever fuck you want. If you're single, fuck around whoever you want. And that goes for both sides. Not just one.
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I feel like it's not double standard. It's biology. Literally, males can have multiple babies in a year. A woman can basically have one or two, like, barely, you know what I mean? So it's like, males are created to multiple produce and females are not, so it's not double standard.
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It's biology! No, it is also not. It is just he could come and multiple women at the same time. Get him knocked up, get him pregnant and have multiple babies across the freaking universe. Listen, it also depends on who it is. If it's a normal healthy relationship, he shouldn't have 20 women hit up on the holla after he's married to a woman with a child with multiple kids, dog. I mean, honestly, like, it's not biology. It's just how many times he could come, bro.
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You definitely seem like the type to argue that you're not emotional just because you're in your period, even though you're probably emotional because you're in your period. I can definitely see that for you.
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I had to read that five times because I had a stroke every time reading it so I had to read it out loud and it didn't exactly work for me at that same time but I have a regular ones dog. I don't have normal ones and I don't I do get emotional bro Why you gotta call me like that?
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Well, it's how you care about me. Talking about it's not biology. And you try to make fun of me and shit. But it is, for real. So I can tell you're an emotional type. And guess what? Fuckin' my heart, chief.
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You know what? Maybe you right, but it's also not biology to bang 20 different women just because you could come a lot. You must be used to coming really fast, huh? Hmm. I'm gonna say, I honestly don't care about this conversation. I'm honestly just bored. It's a little children's play to me. I couldn't care less. Man, I couldn't care that much, but also for some reason I do. So yeah, maybe you got a little bit of a point there.
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I'm not gonna keep arguing because you already said I was right. I'm just playing but I respect you for at least admitting that you know you're not like ignorant and trying to like argue a fucking dead point but yeah it is in biology to like want to bang multiple women and get your seat out there as much as possible That's just kind of how it goes, but no, you should be loyal to one woman if you said you're going to be
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But this mindset completely erases humanization and gender roles and tradition and family structure that we have as humans and that is also in our biology. Like cavemen, they had one family, the cavemen were going around fucking the whole cave and then leaving the woman, they had family structure. And on top of that, the biology you're speaking about is more equivalent to animals not humans.
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I don't think that dating definitely is a double standard.
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Yeah, but you also gotta remember back then there were guys that had multiple wives, but it's not like that these days. And in cave times, I think everybody just banged everybody and syphilis was going around like candy bars.
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OK now I understand what you guys are saying about dating upper standard OK first thing first thing that is super important about a relationship if a motherfucker that talks about do you like booties or aspirin which one That's so fucking weird why are you still talking about this you fucking shit why are you still talking about that topic I was like well second ago
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Embro don't get me started with these bitches I'll be saying do you like a guy was a bad boy or like a nice guy I like that I got by guys to know because like we kinda have to have some toxic in our lives like bitch you want a kid a guy to like fuck up your life cool that's your tapa tapa taste that's fucking weird but that's your cup of tea But why in the fuck are we still talking about this on
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OK like it's so annoying to me why are we still talking about this out of all these decades out of all these years out of all these other things we are still doing this type of shit like it's obviously fucking weird if it's a guy or a girl that's like five years older or younger than you that's that's weird by use that's a lot that's often and then if it's like over the five years at that point you just want on it Uncle
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Like it's just so weird like it's cool you know if it's about like 23 years of four years but anything like around five and up that's a little problem like you like girl you should girl boy whatever you should understand is that that is a red flag if a person is five years younger or older than you you're older than me trying to talk to you in a sexual way it means he's not mentally you're right in the head
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How many times he can come is literally biology. Men can come a thousand times and still be in level one girl. You can come in a thousand girls and still be in level one girl, but girls are more emotionally tied. So it's just how they're wired. It's just how people are wired so okay it's not biology but it literally is
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It is not how men and women are wired. It's like you said how people are wired There are women that can have sex with multiple dudes and not have any emotional ties Just like there are men. That's what I'm saying like we can't look at these things as black and white because This the beauty of this world that we live in is that there are so many different things that can happen There are so many different types of people in different types of scenarios So
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The problem is that a lot of men are still looking at very outdated science, so-called science. When in reality there is so many things. It is like different animals that we haven't even discovered yet. There's different things that hasn't been discovered. discovered. So we cannot sit up and just put men and women in one box and say this is how they're supposed to be or this is how they are because they don't work like that.
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bop bop bop bop bop
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Stating double standards is everything see that's a thing I don't really understand what you mean by that do you mean like I'm like I'm kind of confused but his question because no one really talks about it like there's the one really talks about this topic because some of them are scared They be sitting on my love so I don't really know that much about it till
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