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I got a question for you guys. Are you a leftovers person? Like you're able to eat leftovers or are you a one and done person and you absolutely will never touch the leftovers? There's two kinds of people in this world. Who are you in this scenario?
I'm gonna eat it. What bros say? I'm gonna eat it. Like, no matter what it could be a cranberry, cum sauce. I'm gonna eat it. Okay? Like, I don't care if it went in a trash, somebody pissed on it, eat it. Definitely. Thank you for watching!
I eat leftovers if the food was smacking. But the one thing about having fries, and you eat it leftovers, and the fries don't taste as fresh like they taste, not ready, but they taste real, they taste like bread, but in a different form it just tastes, but yeah, I eat leftovers, it depends on what I have. Like if it's met, it's met. If it's not, I don't eat it. That's all it is.
See sometimes like it depends on the food but like sometimes I'll eat it sometimes I won't like it really depends on the food Because like leftovers can be really fucking disgusting but then other times it could be like, good as fuck, you know?
It depends on what kind of leftovers we're talking about. We're talking about like some Chinese food, bitch. Put it in the microwave. We good. We're talking about pizza? I really don't have the patience sometimes to put that shit in the oven. And it's mid. So yeah, it really depends.
Yes, I have eight leftovers and I ate leftovers since I was small. I still eat leftovers, so I don't see no problem in eating leftovers, but I'm a leftovers person. I eat leftovers.