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No no no because you eat it sometimes you just be like pretending they're people right and like you're just gigantic fucking monster and you're eating the shit out of them like fucking goldfish there's a big old monster fuck We're going to eat in that shit all right but like sometimes you lay on your tongue and you just like smash it against the roof of your mouth you know what I'm saying and you just suck out all the fucking selfie I don't know how to describe it
The food that brings in my childhood, it's not really a food, I don't know, but you know like the apples, the green apples with caramel? So good, so good, so good, so good.
Um, not a food but it's a drink. You know those little, like, you know those juices where they're, they're loki or nasty, but they're kind of good when you think about it, and they have like the barrel shape, and there's a tinfoil at the top, and they're always in a cooler, at a family reunion or something? I don't know. I wanna talk to you.
Man, what's my comfort food? It's literally that photo right there. Oh my god. I love just the regular goldfish Don't don't get none of that extra shit. You want to make me feel comfortable and give me said goldfish I will eat it in such satisfaction and I will be happy for the rest of the day.
Is your name ALWAYS nutting? Bro, why would I want to know? That's just sus. That's just mad sus. ALWAYS NUTTING wants to be my comfort food, guys. Listen to this shit. ALWAYS NUTTING. You know how fucking strange that sounds? That's what went through my fucking head bro. deadass.