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Girl, if you know you're pretty, what the fuck is you trying to prove your point to these irrelevant ass motherfuckers? They don't know your ass from a can of paint. Stop trying to live up to society standards. Stop trying to prove your point to motherfuckers that don't give a damn about you, girl. They just trollin', let them be, right girl? If you know you're cute, then stand on it. walk in a room which I inhale high and I step.
Man I was at the park this one time right and it's due come up with a really super super super super super Duper air pump basketball bro this man comes out wasn't running a quart in the middle of court just slam the door in the ground a big pot some of the gun shy bro oh my god my ears to ring I can still hear like dang bro
Who said that like I really wanna know who said that so I can literally like give them I say because who the fuck said that you're fucking cute you have like a baby face and then then you put your little make up on you look like a bad bitch show me how you like that bitch either way but like do you have a baby face is looking up