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Oh, but like actually that's messed up. You can't be saying that jump, right? Like actually you think you're so cool for like always saying that kind of stuff in these comments. I see you everywhere. You be so mean to everybody. You like, you tell them people, kill themselves, hang themselves, right? You, you is doing too much. How about you do it, huh? You think you're so cool for saying that, you do it. Exactly.
Bro like this is literally how you turn someone into a sped he was sitting on the floor Like that every speaking bro he was trying to he was but he was put into sped mode paralyzed taking a nap
Through the burger paralyze bro he's fucked too damn that's actually kind of crazy bro to go later I miss the bus Perlo's bro fuck that I'm fine bro bro bro's actually probably not gonna be able to walk or some shit
Gro really just got body slammed and knocked into a coma. He went here and nothing from him. Was he the one crying? He's paralyzed now and crying. This is sad.