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Which one is more important to you looks or personality as a personality because I want a man or girlfriend whatever with a good personality because shoot if you're pretty and you have a bad personality that makes you are mentally ugly home and I don't care
Personality carry so much better especially in a female Bella she's actually wild candida dry female bear Candide a few more of the dead depressed personality brown looks are only like 40% of brown not even gonna hold you Like if you look that good but your personality is very crazy
Honestly I think everybody wants good personality in the person that like they choose to be with or like any friendship for that matter I am like if you have like a really nasty attitude hell now get the fuck out of here like now I'm not no I'm not messing with that shit no more like so many people just oh my god no I want somebody funny in my life like is someone with like actual humor
Angola a person a personality or wherever that called It goes so far. You know, I ain't a lot it goes so sorry boy. It really don't matter I I'm sorry to say but this is a real life and I need you some girl look good at least good I can't have a girl who looks like a Harry Potter.加information.
Personality, okay? And I'll tell you why. It's a lot easier to tell someone respectfully that they're ugly and you want them to lose weight than it is for you to say you're a horrible fucking person and I want you to change. So yeah, I'd rather date someone that I don't argue and bitch with all the time and just it's just a little bit ugly because at some point they'll change that for me if they really care about me because I would I'd do that for the person I care about if I was up.
A personality cause a personality is very nice so you can talk to them very interesting live instead of just being like you know I don't know any examples
Where does my life waste for real? That's the AR and call me if they need it. But then for the little update. I'm using it for now. It goes on board, yeah.