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Have you ever had one of your pets die I had one pet like from years years ago I remember his name is fluffy and he got ran over by a car sadly but those are those mostly when we give them away though
I pet fish Gilbert on your other posts. Yeah, he died. He lasted four months, but I kid you not when I was when I was having that funeral for him, my sister and my mom was laughing because we played the taps and we had a whole funeral for him and I was just in disbelief that they would laugh like that.
Now I was younger and had fish we had a tree that like we were just like put all the dead fish in two outside I wanna have the trees doing and I wonder how fucking Pluto is doing I love that face here he was such he was such a beautiful creature
I live in New York City too so this was my old apartment when we had like a patio and it was just a fucking lake tree in a planter put these fish in the lake in the fucking planter because there's nowhere else to fucking put them But yeah I have fish live for like four years months and then it died
Yes, I had one pet that passed away and it was my pet dog named Coco. And my dog Coco passed away when I was like 11 or 14. And I never forget that day that it happened and it was really, really sad.
Yeah I had a jumble before it's like a a Dorf door fucking hamster The door fucking hamster I ripped his tail off and he just start bleeding is it also him I just left him that's all
Oh What kind of funny story and I remember this one was like nine years old What day a Family pulled up on us because who's in a parking lot? I think about a gap the car Well, we're not about to get the car I run on family. It was a white family. They pulled up on us That was our friend they dog up like just to give it to us like for free and we took the dog
And the dog name was Bella it was a girl dog It was a small it was a small white dog a lot of hair It sadly passed away Because it ate something off the ground outside. It was not supposed to eat and it died It was pretty sad.
I had to pet hamsters your dad I had a pet turtle he's dead what else do I have a I have I had like six puppies and they all dead What else that I think I said right Play at all
Yeah, I never had like my cat or dog die. They always just disappeared before they get to that age. But you know, I flushed a lot of fish down the toilet, facts one. And they sent me about the $0.99 so for $0.99. But even though like $0.99 fish ain't really good, but I have one of the three heads facts when.
Honestly if you really want to go back on it I didn't fucking I had a fucking old yeller my dog OK as it's not nothing fun to say but honestly it is kind of funny relative because it's the same way yeah I got shot in the first place but honestly it's OK he got in a fight with a raccoon ODR gotten fat with a fucking tire so it's like a