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What is one thing that makes you mad and that makes you reach your limits until you explore for me for example I hate when people are talking to me when I don't feel like talking and they're still talking to me that is the number one thing that makes you super mad until I explode so what's the one thing that makes you guys mad I want to know So let's get it one of your comments will see what you guys have to say
Multiple boys accuse me for being mad like I could be chilling be like oh you're so mad why are you so mad we give you a smooch attitude like bro what attitude my fucking give you
People accuse me of things or say that I'm not telling the truth about something when I'm actually telling the truth about something. And that's what makes me mad.
I ain't got anything we're going to try real hard at all the fucking tequila bar or some shit because honestly I don't get mad I have good self-control I have to have good self-control my hands and legs and register not going to have self-control
I just hate like flat out lying especially if it's like something where I was there for it like or something like you most definitely told me and like we talking in a group what other people like oh I am I really just do not like a liar like that shit boils like it makes me fucking boil it makes me sick to my stomach gonna explode nobody or nothing but like I will not fuck with you ever again like that shit is weird as fuck to me
Now, I would start saying simply, just the eerie voice of a 5 year old child telling the whole story about whatever they did today, which doesn't matter. But sometimes I like to spice it up. My anger goes in many levels. So I really just want to cut it short and say,