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All right to table to Bella's sidekicks so from the marvel team we going with the Winter soldier button Barmes sidekick captain American little crazy sideways on everybody versus let's go with the Knightwing from DC no problem And I knew Jason Todd was lightly blah blah Thorgan Oh yeah so we voting for winter soldier or night wing
Nightwing is just a fucking glorified twink. Now I'm straight and I like women, but we all know the Winter Soldier is more of a fucking daddy, okay? Than fucking Nightwing and his bum ass, okay? Now, I'll say it again, for the people who didn't understand me. I like women, but this guy, he's just built different. You just built the f***
Bucky Barnes aka Werner Soldier. The major difference is is because Bucky is willing to kill somebody and he has and he will continue to do it. Now if you were talking about Damien Wayne, he would kill somebody. If it was a death battle, Damien would freaking kill him. But not Dick Grayson, who's Nightwing.