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No, because I don't think that anybody I'm talking to right now has intentions of dating me, like being in a relationship with me. So to think of being in a relationship from two months from now as two months too soon
Okay, but you talking like talking when you say talking like Yeah talking or y'all smashing and passing like I need to know the details on that one because the way you saying it is like You talking to multiple?
Okay, I got you because the way you were saying it was like I'm talking to this person and that person And I'm like damn like you get on like that. That's crazy. I mean, it's cool. I mean do you but That's crazy if you talking and then like you're not actually establishing anything but I don't know. I haven't talked to it quote-unquote talk to anybody for the last three years or so So I'm not hurt, you're hurt. You're hurt.
For all seriousness, it's a smart move to do. You know, like you don't want to do the fish and chip smashing dip situation. Then, you know, you might have a baby on the way, your heart is broken and all that. And you barely even knew the person. So yeah, I mean, smart move on you for sure.
Yo, but yo cat is in on the cheers to no a Clinkety ding ding all right meow meow Feel it. Yeah for real for real. That's all about that self-respect. So, you know take your time Um, feel your vibe, feel it out. I'm happy I called you out cause you needed somebody to call you out from your fucking butt, now I'm just kidding.
Um, so um actually I don't think so because my dog keeps giving me mixed emotions and it's really pissing me off. I think I'm gonna have to cook him up and eat him. But I don't know that. I think it's not just hot out a bit more and see what he decides, you know
I'm a say no because I've only been in one and I was so you're a girl so I don't think I'm pulling in anytime soon Are there gonna be some Rolly I got to be but I don't know probably not
At this point I don't think so because nobody likes me and even though people say I look pretty, but I don't have nobody so we need to months and probably ain't gonna have nobody to be honest. But, you know, it is what it is. it comes to me.