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Eugene 641d
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Shanny from ShannyLand
Rae 640d
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Shanny from ShannyLand
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I love Texas open skies you can see forever and ever there's so many beautiful places in the world what's the prettiest place you've been
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To be honest some places in England have some good views but mainly in California there was like a very beautiful view of the sea and the skies. I kind of like views from top of skyscrapers and top of high buildings like in my previous accommodation they had a terrace and I always went up to the top of it.
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Same Eugene I like to be a pie to you and to have like that where you can see forever that's why I said I love Texas guys is because you can see forever and yeah especially like in the mountains I like mountain views to
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Yeah but with me I kind of like tall buildings and the view from there like seeing all the cars in the distance and the lights and then the lamp post coming from the motorway but what I really do like is how relaxed and when you go into like a quiet part of the city and all you hear is the cars in the distance and the wind going through the trees. Like I even have a pod...
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Like I even have a app that literally just gives me that sound with wind and trees and cars in the distance from my motorway. or highway
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It was honestly in my hometown back around where no one really go and it just though where it was about one abandoned ship, but like once you got on that ship When you look around it was peaceful as hell, bro Like, that she was, muah, chef kiss.
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God I've been to many places that are so fucking beautiful. So I lived in El Paso a couple of times. That was fucking amazing. You'd be able to go to the top of the mountains and look down and you'd see what is and all the city lights. It was just fucking amazing. Another place that I went to that was fucking amazing was Spain. Uh, open land, nature, a little bit of everything. I need to go back. Let's go shiny
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Eddie, Eddie, yes, I've always wanted to go to Spain. Spain, Italy, and France. I wanna go to like Brazil and Portugal. I wanna go all kinds of places. I wanna go to Australia. I wanna go to the Netherlands. You know, there's just so many places. I wanna go to the Asia's, you know, and, ah, yeah, Eddie, I miss you. We should do a show.
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