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I was on here maybe a year ago and I remember a lot of POCs, black people, I mean POCs and black people, you know, a few years ago, maybe a year ago. We didn't have that distinction between African-American and black American. was saying African American is more distinct it gives a history right in the word it's a history in the word but foundational black American is all I need to be called okay I'm a foundational black American and that's what my name stands for that's what FBA stands for a foundational black American and now I I don't want to know is my area code. So yeah, that's what I am. That's what my kids are. And that's what we're gonna continue to be. Now, if you want to call yourself African American and all of this good stuff, then that's what you can do. Me personally, I don't know anybody from Africa and I can trace my family back all the way to the early 1800s here in this country. So I don't even feel like I need to be doing anything other than that. If you agree with me, let me know. Comment below and let me know if you're African or if you're ADOS, FBA, whatever, what do you prefer to be called?