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A few years ago was my new year's resolution to never smoke nicotine again, especially e-cigarettes because it could be so addicting and I was tired of it ruling me, I was spending way too much money on it I was getting like weird flem in my throat, it just was not cute and not the moves in my eyes for myself, right? I don't give a fuck what other people do for me but it just wasn't working for me And this is exactly what I did to quit it cold turkey that year and never look back.
Okay, so what you're gonna want to do is find the nearest door. Okay. I'll wait until you get there All right, you're gonna open the door if it's not already if it's already open you're in luck Alright stick your head in the opening and slam that bitch shut.
Hey, I'm sorry to hear that that strategy didn't work. I do have another option Go to your nearest like busy road so to say and It's very important to do it during rush hour and then go and run out in traffic. It works every time I promise.
So what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna put your hand down and I'm just gonna pat you on the head and call you a good girl. And then you're just not gonna have withdrawals. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. You sound like you need moral support though for that shit.
I just stepped on our service lead want to go to your nearest cliff and then you wanna skydive off and then you want to land or you want to land onto the ass that you know stuff like that then
Bro what the fuck bro she got on the whole rainbow with her ugly ass she look like she do she smokes cigarettes are ugly as her lungs bother you but I got black as fuck get the fuck the fuck your Coochie cutters on a dirty ass