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Reiko 653d
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Reiko 654d
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Solomon 654d
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Yeah, another thing you should check out is that higher conscious awards first ever out here Miami, Florida. Billy is funding it. I don't know who the host is but I know he's got a couple celebrities. He's got some engineers, some archaeologists and different people from different walks of life and they all back up their claims. Experts in their fields, they know what the hell they talking about and they bring the facts and the receipts. So I'm gonna be out you know, giving them their flowers.
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Dick Gregory, a living legend, a real one. People sleeping on him, but he's the truth. He's the truth out there, just like Billy Carson, forbidden knowledge. Check him out. He's gotta give him their flowers now. You know, they're exposing the BS and the nonsense, They're telling us the real deal with all that misinformation.
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Man I do check out Billy Carson that guy is rustling a lot of feathers a lot of feathers
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Yeah, he does but rightfully so Tell me one person who doesn't speak truth to power and doesn't ruffle some feathers along the way Especially these dogmatic ones we need to get over already He knows a little bit about everything and he's got the Midas touch Everything he touches turns the gold, you know, he's well studied in theology and science and economy I mean you name it, but he's on point and I've even invested in this company made some bread So, you know, big ups ability Billy Carson for
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Another one that I like a lot that I got put on through Billy believe it or not through one of his workshops was Dr. B Sirius another one that's speaking truth to power I think he was an understudy to Dick Gregory as well he worked closely with him with them he tells some wild stories but it backs it up as well man and you know 19 Keys is another one that's doing it but there's some other ones in the guy channel. Greg Braddock I think.
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