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OK so creepy island Caballo fuck now like it's a big area is this a whole island is a big area if I can tall trees and it's probably grass everywhere tall grass and he's probably wildlife feel like a bunch of scary shit is out there creeping yeah fuck that had a house you know at least with that I know of some windows with some doors in a motherfucker somewhere yeah me so yeah
I'm most definitely gonna go to a haunted house. You feel me? Like, why go on an island? You're surrounded by water. I can't swim. So if I try to get off the island, and like think about how far it is from home or whatever or wherever you stay. So like, that's like, bro, that will take a long time. I almost definitely get out of a haunted house. It's been a big chance of you surviving there.
Okay, there's a big difference between creepy and haunted. Haunted means or implies that there's an actual ghost inside of the house. Creepy just means that this is a little spooky, a little spooky. There doesn't have to be anything there. You know, you're not implying that there's something there. So creepy island. Because then like, like, I don't know, bananas, I guess. You open up the banana and there's just an infestation of fucking spiders.