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Oh my gosh, I could totally relate to your caption. I prefer more so in the middle of wavy hair because whether I curl it or straighten it, it just doesn't stay in place. And my hair is naturally wavy, so it's all about perfecting what I have now. And it does take a bit of time and of course products, but I do manage to get the look. But yeah, I wish I could do more.
No because I have really really curly hair and I straighten it every day and if you do it right it doesn't get frizzy but it gets like really dead so my looks bad #hate my life anyways I prefer straight here
I can't even say because my hair is it's confusing like I can't even say I can enjoy my curls because of the humidity it gets frizzy too fast and same as when I have my hair straight and I'll be trying to find like a stylist who can just like keep it ball straight without getting a perm.
I have wavy hair and I cannot stand my wavy hair. I can scrunch it to wear curls but I prefer to have it straight and then it goes to my hair reaches my bottom all the way past my butt crack down all the way to my bottom. So it's wavy and almost like a big loose curls naturally and I can't stand it because it's easy to frizz so I have to wear a lot of frizz solution in my hair and a lot of leaping conditioners.
Yeah I hate that too if I don't have I don't have Whittier but I have like curly hair but like when I straighten my hair it like I have to add like so many stuff so I can make my hair not frizzle it gets annoying like I put those stuff in my hair does it still gets freaking crazy like it's like bro what's the point
As a person with curly hair I would honestly prefer to have straight hair because I would I won't have to deal with having to figure out how to take care of my curly hair and I Sirtis I've tried everything but I just can't figure it out I love my girls but I just can't figure out how to take care of them but if I could I would honestly prefer Carl's but I just can't figure it out so if anyone
So if anyone has recommendations please help me out because I honestly I love my curls I would prefer my curls over straight here any day but I honestly cannot figure it out I can't figure it out so I would prefer straight here because it just takes minimal effort but curls that takes a lot of effort and I can't figure that out like at all
I like my naturally curly hair like I have force here and when you really take care of it you had a growing on it it looks so cute it's like seriously so I don't really like straining my hair because it damages my curls and you can't let it happen
For real I really I agreed to a liquid that's really curly hair I don't like straining it and it just gets frizzy every time and it could damage my hair as well so I prefer my curly hair as well because like shoe it's cute I love my girls I don't wanna damage them just trying to start any of the time no thank you I rather just keep my natural curly hair my beautiful curls and I have straight hair
I prefer my right hair I hate my curly hair so much like you know when I straighten my hair is frizzy because of the rain sometimes and the humidity with the rain but I still prefer straight hair like I cannot stand my curly hair I don't even know what to do with it like I don't know why good hairstyles cause like I don't know