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Quen 647d
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Ernie 644d
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LaPrincia 644d
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JustinPdawg 648d
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Vaseline 647d
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Muscle Man 644d
Muscle Man
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Only loser ass bitches like you get the fuck off my page bitch
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Even respond if you want her off your page just fucking block her Unfollow her dumb ass Nager
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Convinced Burgess wanted some attention seeing as one and never spoken to him to I never followed him three he wasn't even followed me so inside Humans bro just wanted a little bit of attention
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No bullshit like Negas wake up on the list They Negas be weird bro I don't understand bro and I would be wrong with Negas bro fuck happened and I guess bro it's 2023 brother we're going to hell you still crying on the app like we got time for that Knigge go go repent for your sins Niga fuck no bullshit Niga on top of little bitch no bullshit he was in my chair sucking dick though
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only dick writing, dick hopping, dick sucking, bowl jiggling, bowl eating, ass eating, bitches like you think we hate on you. Not let me stop playing.
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Only loser ass bitches are the actual real ass bitches because you talk like a bitch ass who wants to 10 to 20% but when people humble you you get angry like shut the fuck up
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You're mad as fuck for what because I posted a few words Let's be real Don't take your insecurities out on me love I promise you it's not getting you nowhere
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Bitch you fucking stupid but it's obviously you don't speak you're you're projecting on an app bro do you hear yourself you're delusional kid fuck you fuck your mom and continue sucking 30 beef sticks a fucking day Megan get off a dick Negas be mad pussy on this app
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Honestly I support this message I am I won hundred percent support my queen this is this I endorse this this is like this is so relatable and well it's true to honestly you're kind of slang you're kind of the queen the queen of this website I suppose I guess you could say Oh man I love I love this I love this
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Thank you, thank you. I appreciate you. Appreciate you, Ernie. Thank you.
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I'm not on her side or anything but I'm like why is everybody so mad in the comments? Like you shouldn't be mad unless she's talking directly to you. And she probably is. Cause you know I don't know this girl. I don't know what she posted to make all y'all some mad. And then I don't know if this is the second post but yeah. Please somebody update me like I want to be all in. Like I'll hate with you guys. If I don't think that is something to say, what am I going to do?
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Yeah so the funny thing is I am I want to talking about nobody in general I wasn't I'm targeting nobody or nothing I just made a general post about if a person don't like you for no reason they're weird is a general close it's nothing nobody's retarded it wasn't about love situation or nothing and everyone's mad but like yourself reflecting on insecurities onto me
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So what you're telling me and everyone else on stereo is that you don't like yourself. Okay, got it.
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Never once did I say I don't like myself I actually love myself very much you know we cool it over here we vibe and you know yeah I don't know where you got that information from but I'm it's not accurate but yeah thank you for taking this time out of your day to respond to my bullshit it's very much appreciated you know
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But I want to know who his mom is beating up on that Knigge like who wakes up in the motherfucking morning who wakes up to live an afternoon bro And say some shit like that brother like bro cause I'm bored there's not a day in my life that I wake up to an afternoon of living and saying some shit to grow don't even know bro fuck is up with this app useful it is
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First of all Niga who the fuck is you like bro get the fuck out of here like Niga add me that shit as a joke but I can't tell you that's stupid like Bro what the people on this app are so gullible is so fucking funny
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See, I respect that. Hopefully you could tell that I wasn't being serious there. Like some other fucking people on this shit. But, yeah, I hope you have a good day.
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That's what I be thinking bro like maybe so miserable harness at baby such meat munches on this ad bell like I post one thing and everybody think I'm talking about them liking I'll stop sucking my dick
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Thank you, thank you, thank you. I like when people respond to my bullshit. So, yeah, it gives me like opportunity to say more bullshit. So thank you.
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Well, this is the ignorant ass people I hate people who don't respect themselves It's unbelievable in this time of age people who don't want to know us for guidance people who don't believe in everything people just Shout when? I'm out of everywhere. I'm tired of this.
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You're waiting a whole lot of nonsense for what the post was not that deep stop taking your insecurities out of me bro if I'm so ignorant why is you taking the time on the update to respond to my bullshit Hop off my dick and go fix your insecurities you bitch ass Nager
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your motherfucker what the fuck was i pointing at this for I'm going to be in my fucking time bro, I'm going to fuck all this out.
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If it's such a waste of time then why are you sitting here taking it out of your day to respond to a post that I put it Think about that if I'm such a waste of time wasting my time on this app why are you taking time out of your day to respond to my bullshit Do better
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Well I don't know you so I can't really like you and be weirder if I did when I have never come across there in my entire life but like I don't now because you said that if I wouldn't be a loser ass bitch like the fuck rude wow
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Get your british big bottle head ass off my phone bro. Like, clearly it's if you don't like me with no reason then you just a loser ass bitch. Like... The putt? Mmm girl you sound dumb as hell please. Please. It's be real right now.
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Fun fact it was a joke I was kidding also be original okay because what does me being British have to do with anything literally nothing exactly exactly
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Oh it does though because you thought you were slick stop projecting on people on the app and stop being delusional and stop being a weirdo and stop thinking the world revolves around you because that's your fucking problem bro read why can't you be normal and just read somebody's post and just fuck with that why are you always trying to be funny like that shit is funny like people wanna wake up to that shit not a fun fact nor a joke but Do you want do you want somebody walk up your mama car bitch
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I didn't call anyone a bitch this persons post was calling everyone else pictures also it didn't say in the post that they were talking about people not liking them without like a reason so I did read the post I had all the context and like if I found it funny then yeah it is a joke It's subjective babes
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See ya yeah people and you care so fucking illiterate bro I'm giving you a prime example of how illiterate you made this post and she said only loser ass bitches don't like me and you're over here giving your UK vibes to the wrong fucking chat nobody wants to hear your dumb ass as I'm trying to say stop think you're funny like no wonder why you're only allowed to touch a nice over there and put in each other fucking you know why but you're weird you're weird and you're all pussies in the UK I can't even grab a gun
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Um, I literally have not made a single example of being illiterate. I don't know if you know the definition of illiteracy but you might want to look that up before using the word in a circumstances in which it shouldn't be used. Also, funny how you're calling me illiterate when you're the one using incorrect English. Um, kinda funny, kinda goofy, not gonna lie.
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Why are you still hurting my love like you swear somebody would a post about you like it as you said before I don't know you you don't know me so why would this post relate to you like you wanna be involved so bad and that's okay but like bro he's right you're making me something dumb dumb you make me sound stupid like Bo on bro
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I don't understand your argument bro. Like make yourself look stupid. Take the owl and dip. Ready?
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I will literally wasn't making it about myself I was joking around by saying oh well I don't like you well obviously I don't have any impression of you because I don't know you so yeah I was fucking around I was joking that doesn't mean I'm making stuff about me for making one joke
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I didn't come here expecting or wanting or trying to start an argument. It's people responding to me which is why there is an argument starting because they're the ones insulting me when I was just having a joke. So I'm not the one looking stupid starting shit here.
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Well, if I was gonna sell out, I wouldn't sell shitty cheap t-shirts with fucking stereo on them. I'd probably sell something like, I don't know, fucking kitchen knives or essential oils or some shit. How low do you have to be to sell stereo t-shirts? Oh my god.
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Do you not know what trolling is You would think with such a big ass dumb ass monstrosity of a head that she will be able to have some type of brain capacity to know that I am trolling when it comes to shirts
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I was to really sit here and so cents I would make way more than you and your broke ass mother your mother son dick for a half a Chito puff it is so stale that it don't even crunch
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