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Okay ladies, the question is what body type do you like? Do you like it? Slim, husky, do you like super built? Do you like them with a little meat on their bones, you know, like a pillow type of feel? What do you like for me? I do not like rail then skinny. I don't, I will I would take a medium build, and I'll take a buff, and I'll take a pillow too. Yeah, yeah, I like them tall though.
She said yay he is outside so damn good I'll take him I don't mind a fluffy man or a man who has a little bit of meat on your bones I don't want to feel like I'm laying on the porch because they can in well especially if I try to sit on your face is Amina I might crush you so yes fluffy is welcome husky is welcome and even if you do got a little
I've never been one to dig like super super built like you know when they compete in those shows and their veins are sticking out And they look like a cloud because their freaking shoulder muscles are puffed out so much. I don't think that's sexy You know, but if they're athletic if they're strong, you know, that's cool If they're like bulky in a way, it's where they're thick, but they're also strong. I like that too
I know that's right because the last thing you want is the hug that turns into a headlock on accident because they think they're posing for a fucking uh fucking power building competition. Like, on hand my neck, I need to breathe. Thank you.