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The worst type of cheese is blue cheese. I don't care if anyone loves it. I don't understand. It just smells so gross and it just tastes absolutely horrendous. That's just the one cheese I just don't mess with and if I see it on some sort of grazing board or anything like that, yeah, I definitely skip it and I go for mozzarella or cheddar or gouda. anything but blue cheese. Blue cheese is a no.
Blue cheese even fucking close blue cheese is fucking shit like is the goddamn R. Kelly a cheese my Nager like that shit is fucking ass lock that shit up and throw away the key that shit Nager I'm gagging at the thought of that shit and you're in my fucking teeth I don't want a single molecule touching my tongue or I'm killing myself
Shit no man, I'm telling you the worst type of cheese there is gotta be fucking Swiss cheese like Why the fuck, who invented it and why? They need to be found, brought back to life, and killed again.
I don't like cheese pizza all right mate flag a toast to something but probably music packages like a like a national booty like a McDonald's burger or like there's an old bag it's nice but on his own is horrible