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I know it's been a gross since I've said anything on here I just got done having a conversation with someone that's on this person that Maybe they wouldn't get gypped other than money if they brought me along to this concert And that just like me them so bad I'm a little confused why somebody would get mad at you for wanting to be a part of their life Why would somebody get mad at you for wanting to be a part of their life I may not like the artist I dump and I fucking like the artist I think is fake as fuck and I don't really like chop his dick off but I can take pictures for my girlfriend that she'll value take pictures of her valuing the moment I can be happy and that's all I tried to say was that I'd like to come because for one you're not gonna get gypped out of your money if I'm with you and for two I am a photographer I can take pictures I can find other things to do that don't revolve around what this entire event is centered upon Like I said I'm autistic like that like what I just I just I just can't with some people man I really care
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