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So we have over 5,600 manuscripts for the Christian text, and they warned us six, seven hundred centuries prior, not to believe in any other gospels concerning the testimony of Jesus Christ, and along comes a man who is extremely unstable, as can be seen, just within the writings themselves. and after six, seven centuries they're going to come with another Gospel and say that they have the true word of God. It's laughable.
And another reason I know that you know this is a wicked false religion is You know, it's not the best there's other better reasons but a little side effect is you're just allowed to lie You're literally allowed to lie in this religion And you're allowed to break contracts and treaties. I read a verse in the Quran that said if you fear treachery that you could break a treaty with somebody. Not if, you know, they do something if you fear it.
What's also weird is that apparently Paul served the rest of his life under house arrest where people could go visit him. Why couldn't they do that for Jesus? I mean it seems like Paul made a way bigger accusation. I mean if they just put Jesus on trial and crucified him for saying he was the son of God and then here comes Paul saying the same thing and they only put Paul under house arrest? What is going on?
Why do we keep talking about the Bible and Paul you guys do not understand scripture and I think I'm just going to start talking to the new people about scripture and trying to hold a decent conversation as a trainer for people but it's not conducive to being productive to anybody I don't see it you gotta spend your time trying to tear down scripture you say that's not what you're doing with the possibility of us exactly which
Actually, it's never been the case in historical Christianity where Paul is placed over Christ in any way, shape or form. That is always the false accusation.
Yeah, I'm not understanding your objection to the apostle Paul. I mean, he got basically stoned like three or four times, shipwrecked for Christ, for the gospel, he got beheaded eventually by Rome. So there's no favor with Paul and Rome. I don't understand what your objection is. Are you fully taking into context what Paul did for the name of Christ? I completely don't understand your objection.
Yeah, that's there's nothing weird concerning the testimony of Paul He did suffer a whole lot and he actually suffered a lot more than the average Christian That's for sure and even anyone really Recorded if you look at all the disciples the apostles themselves They all were martyred in one way or different form than the other. It's not to say that how they were martyred should have any distinction and it has
So you've already admitted a number of times that you are new with regard to the Christian Scriptures. I really recommend that you do read contextually what's going on in the Scriptures, and if you need to approach this in a scholarly way, also seek out the instruction of Christian scholars who can explain the Word of God just as a side help. that would really benefit you a whole lot.
Yeah this is a test so you know the Bible being true on Paul wrote Galatians near the end of the 40s and said if I angel from heaven comes in peace is another gospel let him be accursed and I what happens in the 600s some guy starving himself in a cave and if you know he's thinking his demon possessed and you know he's trying to kill himself because an angel gave him another revelation a different gospel and I happen to Joseph Smith in 1800s as well
No, I won't debate you because you're dishonest and you're a radical. That's why. But you're totally wrong. I didn't say he was talking about specifically about Islam. I was talking about any religion, any angel that comes, anyone that comes, and it goes down through history. Just like the warning that Christ gave of false Christ. Like the one that you try to misrepresent him with. Absolutely. Repent and know the truth.
So how silly is that argument to say that Jesus warned and then Paul came and did what Jesus warned about? And it is obvious that all the apostles gave the right hand of fellowship to Paul and they loved Paul. Paul. They praise God for Paul. So how consistent can you be in that silly and yet wicked interpretation?
Well, the point is that Paul went from Saul to Paul. He was a new man repented and used by Christ and he was carrying Christ's same message plus validated by all the apostles. the whole point.
You're radical because you've heard all of these answers already and you just continue on with these really crazy ideas, bad arguments. And it's like you never change, you just dig in your heels. And yeah, that's what makes you radical and dishonest.
So go check out my playlist on YouTube and I get into Paul's Nazarite vow I get into that clearly explain it the way it's been understood by Christians for 2,000 years and so and these things have been asked and answered over and over again.
It's not true, he was not validated by all the apostles as you can see from Acts 21, 50 to 53, it says here, get rid of him. He's not fit to live. Also when he was found in the temple after he cut off his hair after the Nazarene vow had been supposedly fulfilled, they ran into the temple and they said, get him out of here. He brought the Greeks here, we don't want him here. Nobody was walking him in with open arms when we're talking about BX Blues.
So go check out my Nazarite vol video on my playlist on YouTube. I'm surprised you haven't checked it out already. I've already invited it, especially on here. It's linked on this soundbite for you to check out, watch the video, and and understand the way it's been understood for 2,000 years.