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You getting bigger by the minute a Welcome to the big booty club I personally don't got a big booty, but I'm coming after that shit Hey, keep getting bigger. I like that shit A plus women for life.
People are fucking disgusting and I'm so sorry you keep getting these comments I think you're fucking perfect mate and people should get a fucking life and kill themselves because you look fucking perfect Don't ignore them. Please. They're fucking horrible bro Like, you guys admit in ritual mate, in ritual, get a life, please.
No one fucking asks, go get a fucking live instead of bullying everyone. Jesus Christ, what is everyone's problem? You're just fucking beautiful, what are you on?
This is what I'm on about. I'm literally more fatter than her. Like, she's not even fat. Like, tell me where it is because I can't see at all. She's actually perfect. Like, she's so gorgeous. People are just insecure about themselves. People should actually get a life, please. instead of just literally speaking a lie.
Bro, she did fuck all to you and you're just being a bitch for no reason. Like, damn. This girl just wanted to post herself because she looks beautiful. She does. And you're just like body shaming up here. Like, bro, it actually hurts when some people say that. Like, actually think before you fucking speak. Do you need to be taught? Do you need to go back to fucking school, so then?
I hope you're going to fucking hell, I swear to god. This guy did nothing to you. And you're fucking weird saying that was your sister for a lie. That's fucking weird, something's wrong with ya. Someone can give fucking head what's fucking wrong.
Bro, why the fuck did you even believe me in the first place? And you know what's funny? Like, she's not even fat, but every time you respond, it makes me want to call her fat just to piss you off. Uh, like, damn, she's so fucking fat. Gotta stop eating those crabby patties.
Bro, you sick? I'm not even pissed off. I'm just flabbergasted at people say that shit. But insult me instead of her at least. Come on man, you can try better.
British looks nasty ass but that shit looks like it's gonna suck and plan earth that shit looks like a fucking black hole sucking in space-time continuum
How do you know my bro you like your bodies nice but so I'm negative this comment is make me kill myself talking Keep getting bigger baby girl gonna kill myself because like you