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McDressing 677d
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Kevan Reece 676d
Kevan Reece
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So y'all basically last night I'm gonna go smoke some weed with these people I had colleges met which is I know that's dumb but um yeah bitch got a laced with meth crystal meth I was off my ass Boy I kept passing out man I was fucking tweaking I was shaking by twitches in Denison to the Knigge I was which was he was weird as fuck though he try to touch on me knowing that she was laced I don't like this Knigge window and I'll call 911 I told him no need to come get me and I got a list I don't know where I met y'all like I couldn't find it and he's an apartment complex I could not find the fucking Interest we're right there beside into my brain was like so like you know I couldn't find a fuck interest but yeah I got loose weight on meth crystal meth but I'm OK now but I don't remake I do not recommend doing meth oh it was laced some weed and I did not know we are many little off but yeah I knew it was on some weird shit girl trying to do my ass because other people there but they left which was weird I am happy to meet us somewhere night went last night
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You first of all fucking dumbass you don't smoke with people you just met that's fucking retarded right there But it also reminds me the time that I did the same thing and got laced with fucking fat and all. So we're not, you're not the only one.
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No this is crazy as fuck what I would recommend methadone if I got to try it fuck that's nuts nothings been supposed to keep you up you should I wasn't a dog food they gave me the ice reversal treatment out there last night I am I'm glad you're OK though
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