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Anagha Ahire 678d
Anagha Ahire
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Melanin Seduction
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Ruby 672d
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Kent Vorland 671d
Kent Vorland
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I have dealt with a sleep paralysis but it was when I was like about eight years old and Yeah I I didn't like it at all so I just tried my best to figure stuff out and what not yeah
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It's pretty terrible balance and you know I know when you have a ton of insomnia and then you're still trying to be up you have a son like a traditional narcolepsy where you can be in and out and yeah I tend to do and they knock out in public places and usually on a bus or train and I woke up one time someone trying to rob me Actually that didn't happen cause I woke up in time but crazy
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I have not but I have friends who have and it sounds very scary so I am glad I didn't have to experience it because I can imagine how terrifying it is to know what's happening but not be able to have any control over like stopping it or getting out of it so yeah
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Dude I can tell you some stories about the experience with sleep paralysis that I had that connected two different parts of my life It'll make the hair on the back of your neck and I only stand up but we'll fucking pop off of your spine because You know you'll send a chill down your spine Frigid cold and send you chattering and shaking with fear because of it How crazy it was You guys down to get crazy?
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Yeah, I dealt with that sleep paralysis when I was younger. I didn't know what it was. And I believe, if I'm not mistaken, it was not too long after a family member had passed away. What I noticed is when a family member passes away, my body reacts and responds. But yeah, all I know is I woke up one day and I just couldn't move. I was stuck. I was stuck. I was so scared. But yeah.
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Yeah, I have experienced it quite a number of times before and the last time it happened, it was pretty recently I'd say about a few months ago. The first time it happened, I thought it was a dream. It was only until like the second or third time I realized that oh, so that was real, I was not dreaming.
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Tell you something, that shit is no joke. That shit is no joke, it's no fun. That shit is scary, like what the fuck? Whoa, whoa, whoa, ghost. Let me go. Don't grab my, don't, don't, don't sit on me. Don't sit on me. That's it.
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I have, yeah, I've dealt with a lot of issues sleep-wise. Only sleep paralysis in the sort of nightmarish sense as you hear about it, once though. And that was... And, yeah, slept with my ex-girlfriend. and it was the nun from the conjuring that ended up coming to visit.
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