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I keep a rocket in my pocket So I could call the pocket rocket if it's war We ain't playing games, bitch, we get it started I'm the man claiming to keep a hunting ***** I'm a gunner Win his beef we ain't playing, guest me hit you way your mama No that chopper that s' that oppa stoppher hit you way your pop I'm finally in love with all this fuckin' money
I mostly be working on like my legs my thighs on my stomach so I will go on like the treadmill the bicycle on the stair stairmaster thing lifting weights in the stomach machine I don't know what it's called but it but I Collett that
Yeah, I don't be hitting the steering. Master thing that much, but yeah, whenever I do hit it, I ain't gonna lie. That's it. That's it. It'll keep you tough. especially when you do it for a little bit.
But basically I just be I just be benching dead lifting, you know, you know I do some curls or not for my biceps Then I'll use the cable like the cable pull down for my chisps and stuff the
For real like like that's it I'll be on there like five minutes tops 9:55 minutes from the time it is employed I'll be looking down all the time because like I'll be scared I'm a misstep because I'm blind and when I'll be looking down I'll be seeing my sweater going down like a light
Yeah, that's how I be when I be only two. Every real talk sucks to me. I mean, I ain't gonna lie though, you know. It's a good workout, real tough. So if that's what you do every time you go, I'll give you props.
Hey, just let me know if I'm overstepping boundaries, but you know, it looked like the gym really doing some some good work and you know, you're real attractive.