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ModerateFilms 682d
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Altin Veliu 682d
Altin Veliu
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Dani 682d
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Abdul 682d
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Derrick Dunn 681d
Derrick Dunn
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Mike Bedard 681d
Mike Bedard
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Mohamed Ahmed 681d
Mohamed Ahmed
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Erion Fonda 681d
Erion Fonda
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Bahrijehaxha 680d
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Sui 680d
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Does like shit acting, let's say like the storyline is good or whatever right and you think the show story itself is interesting but that acting is shit would that put you off watching the movie or the show? For me it personally would I can't watch like shit acting an example of this for me was Shadow Hunters I think I watched the first couple episodes of the first season and I couldn't do it because the actor was so cringy and just bad. Yeah, so that's one example for me. For me it totally pits me off the show or movie.
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I think bad acting does usually put me off for once even wasn't bad acting as bad writing
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I think bad acting deafly annoys me in a like and Ted Lasso for example I like the storyline but acting is awful I do still watch it but yeah it's not dealbreaker but it is a bit annoying
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Yeah, 100%. I feel like it's so cringy.
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Yeah 100% I think that's why I can't really get behind a power book 2 it's just a really big step down from the original one in terms of acting
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Nerve any bad acting like this I just lose interest in the phone
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Not necessarily, it's bad acting to put me off. You know, it all depends on the motivation behind it. I mean, I see so much anywhere from 7 to 10 movies a week as a critic, so... Not bad acting to put me off. off. I mean, if anything, the director always blame it on movies bad, not the actors.
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Acting can definitely like ruin a movie or a TV show just depends like everyone else around and how much screen time they're getting like is it just like one bad line reading or the entire performance shit so it really really depends
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Yeah definitely I hate it when doctors contact
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Yeah, 100% I mean, if I think it's terrible then I don't think there's a reason for watching it because if the acting is terrible then the movie is terrible no matter how good the play is.
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Shit acting will make me not want to watch a movie regardless of how good the plot is.
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Yeah I think sometimes it depends it's like in some movies or TV shows is very important that the acting
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