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I heard everybody's May 4 so it's a Star Wars day may the fourth be with you so first question is what's your favorite OG Star Wars game and why I grew up playing the like original XWing and tie fighter PC games that were like mini mini mini mini years ago back in like the early 90s really warm place in my heart if I if I choose one after those two would probably be the OG battlefront two such a good game so yeah what's your favorite OG Star Wars game and wine
It is May 5 today the day after I'm a day late I'm going to have to see which ever it was the title for the super Nintendo yeah call me an ancient dinosaur mean I did play that one and I want to bring Cindy memories yeah definitely is also a Star Wars pinball machine that I play at the arcade odyssey locally
There was this one Star Wars game or you could people Jedis and just fight through a bunch of levels with your friends on some co-op light saber battles it was on Dreamcast and PlayStation one I think but Star Wars battlefront one was a really good game my first drop
I don't know about OG games, but I feel like one of my favorites was Dead I Night Dead I Academy. Oh my god, I would play PvP in that for hours and hours back on the original Xbox man. man. I used to play with one of my friends, he didn't put me on, we just always had a blast.