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Quick question. So when you guys shower, do you guys shampoo, condition, then wash your body? Or do you guys shampoo, wash your body, then condition your hair? Quick, like, let me know, please. Cause I have some weirdos that do two different things, so I wanna know the truth. other truth like what do you guys do?
shampoo, condition, and then wash body because I like the conditioner to sit on my hair for a few minutes before I rinse it out so I use that time to just wash everything else.
So used to have a completely different route routine but now when I do shower I make sure I shampoo first meanwhile that's in my hair I wash my body and then I wash everything off and then I put conditioner after
If you do shampoo and conditioner first before you like wash your body off The shampoo and the conditioner won't get stuck in your skin pores and your back acne and chest acne and any acne in general That should all go away and it won't get like your poison won't get all clogged up and shit