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Brandon Reese 682d
Brandon Reese
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Oh also black mirror is probably one of my top three favorite TV shows of all time like it's not my top favorite show of all time minehunters one of my other ones but I seriously like I've been waiting for a season six of black mirror forever and it's coming out and an honor of that I would like to know what everyone's favorite black mirror episode has been a date and this is like an impossible task because we're all freaking weird and crazy for different reasons but I'm gonna go to the one where the two really good friends that fall into like a weird relationship through the DR fighting game because one of them played a female character in the end up having all kinds of weird virtual sex yeah that was a disturbing ass episode I go for
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Wait a minute we're on season five going on six I think I stopped watching after like the fourth episode from season one I know I'm way behind I did enjoy the series I enjoyed what everybody was mentioning and talking about I do have to hop back on it so I can get through and caught up I can't wait hopefully they do come out with a season six
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