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Do you guys believe that the show The Simpsons can really predict the future I think that there have been too many circumstances where I give me a coincidence so I think there must be something really weird going on for them to actually be able to get so many scenarios so realistic
I think it's so scary how much times if actually predict the future in just like the most random miss stuff like stuff that you wouldn't even think were to happen you know
No, no, no, I don't believe that the Simpsons can predict the future. I feel like most of the times when people try to say it can, it's just pure luck or randomness or stuff that you can't really see coming, but I guess they just don't have a cartoon and then it's kind of similar to what happened in real life but I don't believe in it.
I don't think they're necessarily predicting the future I just think that the company is that on all these big corporations have influence over things that happen in our every day lives
I don't think they can necessarily predict the future. I just think it's Inkeling on Where we're gonna go and what's actually possible See, I mean President Trump is still here and they predicted he was gonna you know Pass away a long time though. It hasn't happened yet yet. So I just think they see a shift coming but they don't necessarily predict the future per se.
I think this Simpsons predicting the future isn't true. I think people just quickly sketch the scenarios after it's happened and they're like, Oh my god, look at how beautiful.